Preparing for a
STEPS for Preparing
Read Band & Vocal Notes
Print Out or Download Chord Charts & Detail Sheets for Parts
Listen to Instrument & Vocal Splits
Practice to Proficiency
1. Reading Band and Vocal Notes
Reading band and vocal notes is a crucial first step when preparing to serve on a weekend. Service structure and worship needs for an upcoming service can change quickly and band/vocal notes are always updated to reflect those changes. Reading through band and vocal notes before anything else ensures that you won't be practicing the wrong things. For example, we often skip the intro or verses 1 & 2 for I Thank God, however if the band or vocal notes have not been read you could end up practicing the whole song instead of what will actually be played! So,save yourself some time by reading the band and vocal notes first before diving into practice. While band and vocal notes may not answer every question you have, there's a good chance it will bring you more clarity to what the weekend service will look like!
2. Printing Chord Charts & Detail Sheets
Now, you may be thinking... “I play by ear and don’t need to have the charts in front of me!” Trust me we get it, but consider this suggestion as a tool that can help you. While being able to listen and play an instrument by ear is an awesome gift and is encouraged, it never hurts to have the music in front of you to look at. This especially matters when there is a new song you have never played before. It will ensure that you are playing the correct chords and singing the right parts. Downloading or printing out chord charts & details sheets will give you the ability to make marks and personal notes. For very large worship sets this method can really help you keep track of the music! When learning new music, personal notes or marks will come in handy. Furthermore, it has been shown that writing things down helps us remember them better! This isn't meant to cause stress or overthinking the music, just know when you are more organized there is a better chance you won't miss the small details.
Quick Tip: Making a 3-ring binder or digital folder is a great way to keep your printed or saved music stored. That way when a song is repeated you will have your old notes and marks already made! Plus, your local oak tree will thank you for your service!
This step is important because it helps you hear exactly what is being played or sung. To reiterate, creativity and using your ear to learn parts is encouraged, but always check that what you’re playing or singing is matching what the split track is doing. There are times that your custom expertise and creative playing will be needed especially in flow moments, however it is imperative to the team that you can play what is being played in the original recordings. If you need to simplify something that is perfectly fine, just let your music director or vocal director know what you will be playing or singing. Please understand that the goal is never to squeeze your musicianship into a box, but rather ensure that our playing and singing are unified. We likely only have one rehearsal prior to the service so there is no time to re-learn parts! Often times, the music director can call quick instrumental changes, if you think of a part that will better suit what we are doing, don't be afraid to speak up and ask the music director! We want you to exercise your musicianship and creativity!
3. LISTENING to Split Tracks
4. Practicing to Proficiency
Since we only have one Sunday morning rehearsal, practice time matters a lot! This is an area that will be entrusted to you to steward. You know how you learn best and when you have mastered a part. How much practice time someone needs will vary from person to person. If you have been playing for a long time, you may need less practice time than someone who has just picked up an instrument! Be kind to yourself as you practice, and don’t worry if you can’t conquer a complicated part, just do your best and if you need to simplify it just let your music director know! This isn't about perfection, that is why we ask for proficiency instead. There is grace to be had here as well, most of our leaders are volunteers with full time jobs plus families, time isn't always on our side! Do your best and be honest if you feel underprepared. We are here to help see you through and will find a way to make it work!
5. Remember
Maybe you were expecting us to talk about memorization here and we are, but this is more than just remembering your parts! Let us not forget why we are here! All these things are to help point others to Jesus. In the end it's all about Him anyways and if what we are doing isn't pointing others or ourselves toward Him, we have totally missed it. Our vision is to help all people realize that God loves them unconditionally! Our preparation and playing should always be done with Jesus in mind, so don't be afraid to invite Him into the whole process! Take time to pray over the people walking through the doors, and take time to pray over yourself as well. He loves you and knows you better than anyone. So with all that said, let's lead each time with heartfelt love for God and others.
“We love because he first loved us.”
1 John 4:19