VOCAL health



  • Drink lots of water

    • Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday

  • Warm-up your voice prior to use

    • Warming up before you start singing helps your vocal cords get a chance to loosen up and relax. Releasing tension from the body and voice also reduces your chances of injuring your voice.

  • Prioritize using healthy vocal techniques

    • Be sure when singing you are properly supporting yourself and singing from your diaphragm


  • Overdo it with drying agents

    • Drying agents:

      • Caffeine: sodas, coffee, certain teas, chocolate

      • Alcohol

      • Medications that may have a drying effect on vocal cords

      • Menthol cough drops or mint

  • Sing if it hurts

    • Singing with a sore throat can irritate it and take longer to recover. If you have a sore throat, you should rest your voice if possible. Drinking caffeine free tea and honey will help soothe a sore throat or voice.

  • Use the extremes of your vocal range, such as screaming or whispering.

    • Talking too loudly or too softly can cause strain on your voice.